

 If you are a biker you'd have a pair of boots. "Fukurokuju" which receives repair requests from domestic and overseas as a repair shop specialized in the boots. Currently it is a shop that gains tremendous trust such as planning and selling not only with boots repair but also with unique long-term boots brand overseas and partnering with domestic attention brands. Representative Takeshi Okuyama says. I did things I thought from my own point of view. That was continuous.


Photo SHOOT / Composition & Text BIRDLAND / Translation HISAO ISHITANI

Everything was in the dark.

 「福禄寿」の代表 奥山氏は、靴の修理(シューリペア)という業種が認知され始めた頃、ブーツを得意としたシューリペアラーとして活動し始めた。大量生産されるアメリカの工業製品好きだという奥山氏は、MADE IN USAのブーツに興味を持ち日々リペアに情熱を注いでいた。リペアに関しては教科書など無く、靴を開いて目で見てやってみての繰り返しをしながら技術の向上や道具の開発に余念がなかった。


Mr. Okuyama, representative of "Fukurokuju", began acting as a shoe repairer who was good at boots, when the type of shoe repair began to be recognized. Mr. Okuyama, who likes industrial products in mass produced America, was interested in MADE IN USA boots and was passionate about repairing every day. With regard to repair, there were no textbooks, etc., opening up the shoes and looking with the eyes and repeating it, I always encouraged to improve technology and develop tools.

"It is privilege of a human to repair that it can be found and opened. I feel the joy of opening. "




At that time, I felt the charm of shoe repair and found employment in a company specializing in repair. In that company, there were a lot of repair requests from ordinary customers and various manufacturers, and I practiced nailing for a year for nails. Due to the fact that my predecessor quit when I was about that time, I was in charge of sewing all - sole though I could not do anything yet, and since then I have only been sewing all - sole for five years.
In private, I started riding Harley, so I started a part time job at a store dealing with Harley goods. Mr. Okuyama says that it was a natural flow that sometimes he received repair of customer's boots while selling goods at that byte. Mr. Okuyama who knew that "There is demand for repairing the boots." tried to propose to introduce a machine made in the USA to a company where he is working and launch a division of boots repair It was not accepted.

"I thought that there is no other choice but to do it myself."

In 2002, the name of the shop was "Fukurokuju", which bought a small machine and started.

I wanted to express myself to boots repair.


Fukurokuju's roots began with admiration.

 1980年代半ばからアメカジスタイルが流行り始め、90年代以降には様々な形でアメカジが台頭していた。その代表的なアイテムの一つとして「Red Wing」のブーツは、スタイルのみならず手に入れやすい価格としても若者に人気があった。

「福禄寿」が開店した2000年代前半、いまだ若者には「Red Wing」のブーツが定番であり、奥山氏もその中にいた。時期を同じくしてアメリカのブーツブランドが一部の人の間で人気が出始めた。「Wesco」である。「Wesco」は昔ながらのハンドクラフトによる高い機能性とクオリティでUSAビブラム社のソールを使用しているのが特徴であり、クロムハーツのブーツにも採用されている事もあって話題性があった。

American Casual style began to popular since the mid 1980s, and since the 1990s American Casual style has been emerging in various forms. The boots of "Red Wing" as one of the typical items were popular among young people as a price that is easy to get not only the style.

In the early 2000s when "Fukurokuju" opened, boots of "Red Wing" are still classic for young people, Mr. Okuyama was among them. American boots brands started to popularity among some people at the same time. It is "Wesco". "Wesco" is characterized by using the sole of USA Vibram company with high functionality and quality due to the traditional handcraft, there was also topicality as it was also adopted in the boots of Chrome Heart.

 「皆と同じようにWescoに憧れていたけど、20代前半の自分には高くて買えないから、持っていたRed WingにWescoのエンジニアブーツみたいなビブラム社の100番ソールを付けたんですよ。ファッションとして考えたというよりも、憧れでやった事がカスタムの始まりだったと思うんですよ。そのあとにエンジニアブーツにクレープソールを付けたのが大きかったと思います。」



"I adore Wesco just like everyone, but since I can not buy it for myself in my early twenties, I attached a 100th sole of Vibram company like Wesco's engineer boots to the Red Wing I had. Rather than thinking about fashion, I think that what I admired was a custom start. I think that it was great that I added crepe sole to the engineer boots after that. "

The start was Wesco's engineer boots of around 8,000 yen I bought at a thrift clothing store. The yearning boots that I bought for the first time had crepe sole attached. I was drawn to somehow. "When I looked closely well it was C width and it was 8h (half) in size, so it may be something of WOMENS."

From the beginning, it was said that "Isn't it wack?" and its reputation was not very good. But I am comfortable and easy to wear. The boots gradually became recognized as being easy to shift the bike, making it a style that can be said as a custom pronoun of Fukurokuju. After that, Fukurokuju will be known as a shop of boots repair and custom, and requests will be flooded. There were also times when the phone did not stop ringing all day.

I like it because I like it, it's just that. After all ...


I dare to try.



笑い話として話す奥山氏だが、引き継いだものは店の名前だけではなく、職人の気質においても引き継いでいると感じる話がある。それは奥山氏がリペアを続けていくうちに、ある疑問を感じるようになったと言う。 「同じ番手を調べて、同じ削り方をして、同じ糸や同じインクを使っても、雰囲気が同じにならないんですよ。」

同じ頃「Red Wing Japan」の鈴木社長との親交のなかで、米国の工場を見せてもらう機会を得る事ができた。そこでも使用されている木型や修理の仕方を学ぶことができた。帰国後、工場見学で見せてもらった木型を研究し、自分で木型を作るまで至る。現在「Red Wing」の物だけでも8型の木型を常備している。それがサイズ別にあるのだから、もうリペア専門店というよりも靴工場という気がしてならない。また木型だけでなく、様々な経緯で入手したエンジニアブーツから年代や時代背景を調べあげ、ブーツに合わせたパーツは形状や材質を研究する徹底ぶりである。

Boot repair and original custom style nationwide became known "Fukurokuju".

"I think that it was also nice to name it"Fukurokuju"if you think about it now. " If it seems to be a shoe repair shop it is a strange or impressive name. Originally he was thinking of various names with horizontal letters, but it is unique because he added the name "Fukurokuju" of a sushi shop where parents run without doing anything thought.

"Since the shoe repair store name was"Fukurokuju"at the time, it was often mistaken for the grandfather's store. lol"
Mr. Okuyama speaks as a funny story, but there is a story that what he inherits is not only the name of the store, but also the craftsman's temperament. It says that Mr. Okuyama began to feel some doubt while continuing repairing. "Even if you look at the same count and do the same shaving, even if you use the same thread or the same ink, the atmosphere will not be the same."

In such a period, I happened to be able to go to a factory of "RIOS". What I saw at the factory was a repaired item with a wooden molds. It is a way of repair that is not applied in Japan, but this scene triggered me and I wanted to repair with wooden molds even on my own. At the same time I got the opportunity to have a factory in the US displayed in the friendship with Suzuki president of "Red Wing Japan". I was able to learn how to use wooden molds and repair. After returning to Japan, I studied the wooden molds shown at the factory tour, and until I made my own wooden molds. Currently even with only this items of "Red Wing" are always standing for 8 types of wooden molds. As it is sorted by size, I feel like a shoe factory rather than a repair specialty shop. Also, not only wooden molds but also various engineering boots obtained in various circumstances examined the age and era background, parts adapted to boots are the first thorough studies of shapes and materials.


こうして奥山氏が時間を掛けて築き上げたノウハウは「Red Wing Japan」に認められ、直営店のリペアを請け負うようにまでになる。「福禄寿」としてリペアの仕事をやり始めた頃は、自分の色を出したかったという。その想いはブーツを知れば知るほどに変化し、いまでは自分の色を消す修理を意識するようになってきたという。

"It takes about a year to make one buckle."

The know-how built by Mr. Okuyama over time is recognized as "Red Wing Japan" and it will become to undertake repair of directly managed shops. When I started doing repair work as "Fukurokuju", I wanted to put out my color. That feeling changed to the extent that you knew the boots, now it is becoming more conscious of repair to erase your color.
"Up to now I was thinking of putting out the color of Fukurokuju by using crepe sole or 100th sole, but after I began to repair using wooden molds, I wanted to bring closer to the original my mind became stronger. Ideally, when I repaired a thing that I repaired for the second time, was it what I repaired? I want to be able to say that. "


After thinking about it, he says that he is doing research on nails, cork and the like while looking at the adhesive and the state of the inner sole remaining in the cross section of the shoe. For example, even with one nail, there are many times I go to the nail shop to make the original nails with trial and error. In fact the nail is processed so as not to hurt the inner sole of inner shoes when it falls under the bottom of the shoe.
"It's a place I can not see even if it's a nail, a cork or a wooden molds, but I like that kind of things. Why? or, since I think that it starts from a question mark, it is good to imagine not only the appearance but also invisible places, right? " I think listening to Mr. Okuyama's story. The important thing may be in an invisible place.

 現在「Red Wing」以外では、「WHITE’S」のパーツの供給も可能になったと言う。 「やっぱり実際に行ってみないとわからないですよね。削る順番にしても全部同じようにやらないと同じにならないし、一つでも順番が違うと自分の中では全く違うと思うんです。うちではメーカーごとにグラインダーの番手も全部調べて変えてるし、お客さんには伝わらない事かも知れないですけど、そこまでやりたいんですよ。そういう所が自分の色を消すってことかなって思うようになりました。やっぱり10年前の自分がした修理、今やっている修理、10年後の修理と少しづつ進化させたいんですよ。」


Currently other than "Red Wing", it says that it is now possible to supply parts of "WHITE'S". "I don't know if I have to actually go and see it. Even if it turns out to be in order, it will not be the same unless they all do the same, I think that it is completely different within me if even one order is different. We have reviewed and changed all the grinder's stone for each manufacturer, and it may not be transmitted to customers, but I would like to do so. I began to think that such a thing would erase my color. After all I'd like to evolve little by little, repair that I did 10 years ago, repair you are doing now, repair after 10 years. "

I felt like I was reminded to continue, to do new things, to always have fun.

I like the natural leather light as much as possible.


Feel free to mingle.



革製品という事で、長く愛用する為のメンテナンスの方法も独自の拘りがあるのかと思い聞いてみると実にシンプルな答え。基本的には革の表面ではなく繊維の中の汚れを落とし、栄養を与えるという事が一番大切な事だと教えてくれた。「福禄寿」ではクリーナーを使用して汚れを落とした後にLEXOLを使う事を勧めているそうだが、個人的にはデリケートクリームだけで終わらせている事が多いらしい。 「色々考えたけど、自分のものだし楽でいいかなぁと思って。気を使わなくていいかなって・・・」

Although Mr. Okuyama seems not to be an exaggeration to say "Boots is a hobby", he says that his other hobby is biking and fishing. Especially it seems that he is addicted to bus fishing now. From the selfish image to Mr. Okuyama who loves boots, I heard that boots are also used properly depending on their hobbies.

"I think both of them together, right? I do not think about anything and I like it as it is. I also ride my bike on the western side and do fishing ... "

I let him showed his three pair of favorite boots, but they all had good aged looking. Among them was the first Wesco that can be said as the origin of "Fukurokuju". I guess it's something he can't miss.
In terms of leather goods, it is a really simple answer when asking if there is a unique insistence on how to maintain for long and love. Basically he told that it is the most important thing to drop the dirt in the fiber rather than the surface of the leather and give nutrition. In "Fukurokuju", it seems to have recommended using LEXOL after removing the dirt by using a cleaner, but it seems that there are many things that personally terminate with only delicate cream. "I thought of various things, but thinking that it is my own thing and it is comfortable. I do not have to use mind ... " While saying such a thing, there is still insurance because it is making delicate cream with its own formulation.

"I'm still thinking, because I'd like to make the bottle look cool." He said. It look forward to see it.


I want to keep riding for a long year.



Mr. Okuyama says that he likes anything about bikes. He enjoys motorcycles from touring to drag racing.

The EVOLUTION is the Harley that Mr. Okuyama obtained for the first time by wearing a light mug of Campagnolo who says that he found it very much. This Harley went to run to various places Japan. After that, the head was replaced with Edel block so that a high cam could be inserted, the carburetor was given a 2 throat of De Rolt and customized to a machine that can reach 400 m in 12 seconds with a drag race. The chance to start the race is to hear that there are people who are doing a drag race with a chopper and it seems interesting and serious became serious as I went out to the race with a light sense.


The lower road is good for touring.
I like long on the lower road.

And more…


18インチのホイルを履かせたフロントや80’Sのフレームに71’S FXのような丸いスイングアーム。スワップミートで25ドルで購入したというクレイジーフランクのシートも良い味がある。現在は、白煙が拭いて調子が悪いらしいが、しかし何があってもずっと乗る一台と決めているそうだ。





"The chopper was just fine. After all I do not like or dislike, anything. " The Wide Gride which is riding in the main now uses it as a touring and a little foot. In addition, the one that has become a sign of "Fukurokuju". Mr. Okuyama, who likes long distances, removed the 3.5-gallon petrol tank of the sports type that was originally installed, changed it to a split tank, the handle became an exquisite position so that the handle was laid so that it was easy to get on while running a long distance.

"I wanted to make it a 5 gallon tank instead of a sports type tank like a motorcycle ride I saw on American freeway. This is the balance of the miracle. lol" A round swinging arm like the 71 's FX on the 80 's frame with 18-inch front wheel. Crazy Frank's seat that he bought it for $ 25 with swap meet also has a good taste. It is said that the white smoke blows and the condition is bad now, and however, it is decided one to ride for a long time no matter what.

"I'm waiting for natural healing. lol. Right. I know this guy. "

I can feel the his love of the bike around himself as if he was talking about a bike like a person. I asked Mr. Okuyama such jokes, where he would like to run, and what he wanted to do on the bike.

"There is a bridge like going up to the sky in Lake Hamana on the national road along the Enshu nada. I like there. That road can not go unless take lower road. " "Even those who were running together when I started riding are not on now. Do not overdo it and get on when you want to get on. Is it the trick to keep on getting on for a long time. Someday, I'd like to run the US with my bike. I'd like to go to Sturgis, which is said to be the sacred ground for the Daytona Circuit and the Harley ride. "

He will continue to deal with the bike loosely long and deeply, face the boots, and make the road of repair extremely. I was able to hear a lot of stories from Mr. Okuyama, who is reputed to be the god of boots repair. It was a long interview day, but I appreciate having a relationship with a smile.
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